Thursday, August 2, 2012


Boa noite meninas!
Mais Vintage Fair para voces, a saia é da loja Crash Republic sao 4 estampas para voce escolher, eu particularmente adoro saias compridas, acho linda.. e a blusa que tambêm vai estar no evento é da loja Liv-Glam, ela vem com HUD e  tem varias opçoes de estampas, eu acho um maximo a roupa vir com HUD porque alem de ocupar menos espaço no inventario voce ve na tela todas as opçoes... muito mais facil né meninas?!
Essa feira promete rs
A skin é da Jesylilo <3 ... e vai estar a partir de amanha em um evento chamado Limited Bazaar e vai custar apenas 120l  \o/  super barato...voces nao podem perder
Vamos as fotos

Good evening ladies!
More Vintage Fair for y'all ...the skirt is from the store Crash Republic, There are 4 prints for you to choose, I especially love long skirts, they´re soo beautiful .. and blouse that will also be on the event is from the store Liv-Glam, it comes with HUD and has several choices of prints, I think it´s a amazing clothes come with HUD because in addition to occupying less space in the inventory, you see on the screen all options ... much more easy, right girls?!
This fair promises lol
The skin is from  Jesylilo <3 ... and will be starting from tomorrow at an event called Limited Bazaar and will cost only 120l  \o/ super cheap.. you can not miss
Lets to the photos

Hair: [e] Over - Carrot Reds Mesh
Skin: *JeSyLiLO*:::LimitedBazaar:::*LightSkin @Limited Bazaar
Bag: BLD-Frances - bag flores
Shirt: [LIV-Glam] Summer 2012-Vintage Chique 1-(part of outfit)@Vintage fair
Skirt: [Crash Republic] Boho Skirt (ruffle) @Vintage Fair
Shoes: [dirty.little.secret] MESH FMN

♥ Thank you so much to Lilo Glom, SamanthaSJones and Isabelle Requiem 

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